本书主要介绍了量子物理的前沿成果以及对未来的展望。本书中解释了实验上的突破,这些突破证明了令爱因斯坦困惑的量子理论的 "诡异 "方面。这本书充满魅力,通俗易懂,可读性比较强。通过物理学中最复杂和最迷人...
两汉风云(套装共3册) 渤海小吏
以24场战役,讲述两汉四百年的风云变幻! 以24场交锋,揭露沙场之上庙堂之中那些被历史迷雾掩盖的真相! 有明显优势的刘邦为何会被围困在白登山? 汉武帝时代,汉军骑兵横扫匈奴的法宝是什么? 为何汉武帝亲...
After Annie by Anna Quindlen
Anna Quindlen’s trademark wisdom on family, friendship, and the ties that bind us are at the center ...
A Step Past Darkness by Vera Kurian
There’s something sinister under the surface of the idyllic suburban town of Wesley Falls, and it’s ...
Daughters of the Lamp by Nedda Lewers
Sahara Rashad lives by logic. Loves science. And always has a plan. Except her dad just wh...
一读就上瘾的中国史 温伯陵
一个杨贵妃, 在李白眼里是“云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓”; 在杜牧眼里是“一骑红尘妃子笑,无人知是荔枝来”; 而在罗隐眼里,则是“泉下阿蛮应有语,这回休更怨杨妃”。 美女、宠妃、败家娘们儿以及背锅...
Credence by Penelope Douglas
Tiernan de Haas doesn’t care about anything anymore. The only child of a film producer and his starl...
A Tempest of Tea by Hafsah Faizal
From the New York Times-bestselling author of We Hunt the Flame comes the first audio...
一读就上瘾的中国史2 温伯陵
这是一个大变革时代,国家与个人面临前所未有的变局。 有人苟且偷生,有人视死如归;有人看到黑暗,有人看到光明;有人守护荣誉,有人丢掉节操。 本书总结了历史中的大变局:张骞出使西域,李世民一统寰宇成为天可...
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